The Best Alternatives to Richardson Caps

The best alternatives to Richardson caps Cap wearers recognize Richardson Caps for their well-made caps and widely-known brand name. However,  between rising costs and supply chain disruption, you might find that you need an alternative to the trusted Richardson brand. We pulled together some of the top Richardson styles, along with the best industry alternatives for each style to work within your budget and timeframe.

Richardson 112 vs OC771 and I3028

Best alternatives for Richardson caps 112  The Richardson 112 is one of the most popular of the Richardson caps. It comes in a variety of colors, four different sizes, and can be customized to fit your company’s colors. With the popularity of Richardson caps comes a few challenges. We’re currently seeing backorders as long as 2-3 months and the cost is continuing to rise. So, if you do not want to waiver from this brand, you will need to allow plenty of lead time for making sure you receive your items in time.  OC771  The OC771 is a great alternative for the Richardson 112.  It offers the same look at a much lower cost. The biggest difference is the OC771 is a little bit more round on top while the Richardson 112 is more flat. Our team really couldn’t tell much of a difference in the cap material (they both have a high-end feel), and you can get this hat with hook and loop closure or a plastic snapback. I3028 The I3028 is another great alternative for the Richardson 112. The I3028 does have a slightly lower profile, but it is so slight it can barely be noticed. The snapback piece is a bit stiffer than the Richardson caps, but the other materials are very similar to the look and feel of a Richardson cap. Features of the Richardson 112 and the alternatives OC771 and I3028

Richardson 115 vs OC770

Richardson 115 cap vs the alternative outdoor cap 115  The 115 cap offers a similar style to the 112 by tailoring the look for a smaller fit. The front panels are smaller than the 112 making it fit for some wearers. Other than that, it is pretty much the same hat as the 112. OC770  The OC770‘s fit and look are very similar and we noticed virtually no difference in how the material feels when you wear it. It also features smaller paneling for a more tailored fit.  You will receive a sizable price difference between the 115 and the OC770 hats. Features of the Richardson 115 and the alternatives OC770

Richardson 111 vs FWT-130

Comparisons of the Richardson 111 and FWT-130 111  The Richardson 111 is another favorite among the Richardson caps. It has a relaxed unstructured fit, but still has the trucker hat look with the mesh backing. This fit of hat tends to be more popular with women. FWT-130   The FWT-130 is a low-cost alternative to the Richardson 111. It offers a similar fit and styling at about $5 less per hat. The FWT-130 also has 9 more color options than the 111. Features of the Richardson 111 and alternatives FWT-130All of these hats are great options from brands that we love at JDA Promo. Based on your needs and budget our sales team will help you find the perfect match. 

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